Read Galatians 2:16-21
“Let it be so with me!” Luke 1:38
“Let it be so with me!” Luke 1:38
It arrives in my mailbox, linen white and crisp, with striking calligraphy addressed with my full name. I open it with anticipation and inside I find an invitation to attend a party. My heart and mind race as I think about the night, what I will wear (a twirly dress of course), how beautiful the night will be and how I will dance the night away. I quickly send my RSVP back letting my host know that I say, “YES!”
This invitation reminds me of other invitations that I have heard about through stories told to me. Cinderella was invited to a ball and despite incredible obstacles her answer was, “yes,” and it changed her life forever. Mary was invited to be the mother of the Messiah and again despite incredible odds her answer of “yes” forever changed her life.
The most important invitation I have ever received was and continues to be the invitation to be in relationship with God through Christ. My first “yes” to His invitation forever changed my life, and it took me almost thirty-three years to say. As I look back to that time, I realize God was wooing me to come to Him and asking me to allow him to make a home in my heart. He gave me an incredible dream, Christian people in my life and the desire to seek Him. I wrestled with Him fiercely and it physically felt as if my heart would break in two. Then one night as I was discussing my distress with my husband, he asked me why I was fighting what I knew to be true in my heart. The veil was lifted! I finally said, “yes,” and accepted the gift God had been waiting my whole life to give me and my life was, is and is being forever changed.
Recently, I have heard another invitation from God. His gift of grace never ceases to amaze me! He has asked me to be His Beloved. He has invited me to admit my weariness and stop my striving so that I can make my home in Him. He wants me to stop hiding in “less wild lovers” called service and discipline and to seek his heart and trust in his goodness. He has waited for me to embrace what he is doing and who I am in him rather than what I do and who I try to be apart from him.
I hear Him saying, “Kim, I have more for you! Won’t you trade in your dime store pearls for the real ones I want to give you? Your activity is not your identity. I am your identity. I have made my home in you, but you still have other lovers you go to for comfort. When will you stop looking to yourself and your personal gifts for redemption? I love you just the way you are! Come make your home in me!”
I say, “YES!” Yes to the Romance with my Love. I am only at the beginning of this journey. He has not promised it will be easy, but he has promised to be with me every step of the way. I won’t pretend that I am healed, restored and redeemed just because I have agreed to take the journey, but I know his grace is sufficient for me. I can tell you I feel hopeful, excited and amazed at the grace my Beloved pours out on me. My prayer is that you consider if you have truly made your home in Christ. He waits for your, “yes.”
This invitation reminds me of other invitations that I have heard about through stories told to me. Cinderella was invited to a ball and despite incredible obstacles her answer was, “yes,” and it changed her life forever. Mary was invited to be the mother of the Messiah and again despite incredible odds her answer of “yes” forever changed her life.
The most important invitation I have ever received was and continues to be the invitation to be in relationship with God through Christ. My first “yes” to His invitation forever changed my life, and it took me almost thirty-three years to say. As I look back to that time, I realize God was wooing me to come to Him and asking me to allow him to make a home in my heart. He gave me an incredible dream, Christian people in my life and the desire to seek Him. I wrestled with Him fiercely and it physically felt as if my heart would break in two. Then one night as I was discussing my distress with my husband, he asked me why I was fighting what I knew to be true in my heart. The veil was lifted! I finally said, “yes,” and accepted the gift God had been waiting my whole life to give me and my life was, is and is being forever changed.
Recently, I have heard another invitation from God. His gift of grace never ceases to amaze me! He has asked me to be His Beloved. He has invited me to admit my weariness and stop my striving so that I can make my home in Him. He wants me to stop hiding in “less wild lovers” called service and discipline and to seek his heart and trust in his goodness. He has waited for me to embrace what he is doing and who I am in him rather than what I do and who I try to be apart from him.
I hear Him saying, “Kim, I have more for you! Won’t you trade in your dime store pearls for the real ones I want to give you? Your activity is not your identity. I am your identity. I have made my home in you, but you still have other lovers you go to for comfort. When will you stop looking to yourself and your personal gifts for redemption? I love you just the way you are! Come make your home in me!”
I say, “YES!” Yes to the Romance with my Love. I am only at the beginning of this journey. He has not promised it will be easy, but he has promised to be with me every step of the way. I won’t pretend that I am healed, restored and redeemed just because I have agreed to take the journey, but I know his grace is sufficient for me. I can tell you I feel hopeful, excited and amazed at the grace my Beloved pours out on me. My prayer is that you consider if you have truly made your home in Christ. He waits for your, “yes.”
Prayer: Gracious Lord, Lover of my soul, I thank you for the gift of your treasured Son who has bought me and sought me with his redeeming blood. Thank you for making your home in my heart. Beloved, I am ready to faint in my weariness into your loving arms. I ask you to bring down the walls that I have built to hide my pain. Help me remember that you are my Comforter, and I can trust you and make my home in your heart. Thank you Precious One for your gifts of grace, faith, hope, and love.
Thought for the day: Invite God into your heart daily and allow him to be your Comforter, your Beloved.
Prayer focus: Those who have yet to say, “yes” to God’s invitation.
Thought for the day: Invite God into your heart daily and allow him to be your Comforter, your Beloved.
Prayer focus: Those who have yet to say, “yes” to God’s invitation.
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