Monday, March 23, 2009

Ideal or real?

Wow! It has been a while. I am not sure if anyone is reading or has noticed, but for me it has been looming over my head. Why? because when I am not writing these it is blatantly obvious to me anyway that I am not spending time alone with God on a regular basis. I have had friends praying for me and I have asked some to keep me accountable, but still nothing. Then this morning, God woke me up with something on my mind. It is, of course, relational. It is something that came up about 6 - 8 weeks ago- about the same time I stopped having my quiet time with God. I did not even equate the two until after I wrestled with God regarding this issue from about 5:30am until 7:15am. I have felt like I was having a block from hearing God, even when I tried to have quiet time during these past weeks, I could not meditate. Well praise God that he did not leave me, and I thank him for bringing this to the forefront of my mind. Now I have to follow through and speak the truth in love with two Christian friends and ask forgiveness. Truly God has been teaching me about love and humbleness. For those who read this blog, I thank you and I hope that you find these meditations encouraging in your walk with our Lord and Savior! Below is the still small voice that I heard this morning- yeah God!

Romans 12:1 (The Message)
So here's what I want you to do, God helping you: Take your everyday ordinary life- your sleeping, eating, going-to-work, and walking-around-life- and place it before God as an offering. Embracing what God does for you is the best thing you can do for him.

The real life with all of what you think are imperfections is where I want you to live.
Even when you walk away from our special time together know I am with you.
When you start wishing for the ideal, remember that in itself is an idol, and I am not there.
I am in your real life with all the bumps, valleys, mountains, triumphs, and trials. That is where I live in you.
I know you are sad that you haven't been committed to our quiet time, but you need to know I have been with you every minute of every day.
I never leave you.
You can't make me leave.
Oh, but I have been waiting to tell you some great and unsearchable things, so I am rejoicing and celebrating our time together!
Remember that what you may see as imperfections I am working to My Good.
Live, Laugh, and Love.
Forty days of love is just the tip of the tip of the iceberg.
I have so much more for you to learn and live regarding love.
Don't stop here.
Come with me, and I will reveal so much more!
I am excited we are on this journey together.
You have tasted and you have seen that I AM Good!
Everthing starts with Me and ends with Me. Rely on Me and My Strength.
I am in the big and small details of your life, and I just want you to bring your real life to Me.
That is the best offering you can give - your real life.
Then celebrate what I am doing in you and through you!
Come dance with Me as if no one is watching!

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