Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Turn to Me

Genesis 4:7
"You will be accepted if you respond in the right way."
Psalm 51:17
"The sacrifice you want is a broken spirit. A broken and repentant heart, O God, you will not despise."

Look into my eyes like Peter did when he heard the rooster crow the 3rd time .
What do you see?
No condemnation, no anger, only pure love. I forgave you before you even sinned.
I never give up on you!
You are My child and I love you!
Respond to Me with a broken heart and spirit and turn back to Me - run into My arms - I am here for you even when you mess up.
But admit it - don't offer excuses or blame - just lay it down in front of Me.
You know you can't hide - why even try?
Besides you will know you are forgiven if you just look in My eyes.
That means you have to turn towards Me, and look at Me - don't be afraid.
I AM Mercy.
I AM Love.
I AM Grace.
There is no condemnation when you come to Me.
Now the world is a different story - don't run to the world for comfort for it only offers lies and false comfort.
Me though - I AM Comfort.
Don't you see every layer of pride must fall before Me?
Peace, Joy, Acceptance, Love - that is what you find in Me.
Do you love Me?
Feed My sheep.
Do you love Me?
Feed My lambs.
Do you love Me?
Feed My sheep.

Monday, December 29, 2008

The Secret

Phillipians 4:11-13
"Not that I was ever in need, for I have learned to get along happily whether I have much or little. I know how to live on almost nothing or with everything. I have learned the secret of living in every situation, whether it is with a full stomach or empty, with plenty or little. For I can do everything with the help of Christ who gives me strength."

Being content, being happy is a by product of living in Me.
It is not the end, it is not the means to the end, this is My gift to you when you realize I stand between you and your circumstances.
Faith, trust, hope and love depend on you knowing this.
The secret is not allowing your circumstances to get between you and Me.
The world trys to sell you a bill of goods - telling you that that you can't be content without the next biggest toy or gadget, the best tasting food, the mind numbingness of alcohol and television. It's all around you, I know. But you can resist it.
Resist the Devil and he will flee.
Resist temptation, resist the pleasures of this world for they are temporary and fleeting and cannot make you content.
Christ is the Secret.
In Christ alone will you find happiness and contentment.
Your circumstances change daily. I stay the same yesterday, today and forever.
Rest in Me and you will find peace, happiness, and joy.
Only I can bring you these gifts - the world cannot for the world is temporary but I AM eternal.
The spark of eternity lives in you and that's why your heart is restless, joyless, peaceless, uncontented until it finds rest, joy, peace, and contentment in Me.
It is a daily learning, a daily turning to Me.
But I will give you strength to learn and turn, just show up and depend on Me.
What worldly thing will you give up today to show the world and yourself that you are learning the secret to being content whatever your circumstances?
With My help, you can give up worldly pleasure for eternal rest, peace and joy.
These are My gifts. I give them to you now because eternity with Me began the moment you said, "Yes," to Me.
So live your life in the knowledge that the secret to being content whatever your circumstances is to put Me between you and your circumstances.
That is faith, it is one of My many gifts to you while you live in the world.

Saturday, December 27, 2008


Psalm 1:2-3
"But they delight in doing everything the Lord wants; day and night they think about his law. They are like trees planted along the river-bank bearing fruit each season without fail. Their leaves never wither, and in all they do, they prosper."

My Word must live in your heart if you are to bear Kingdom fruit.
Soak it into your very being, your soul.
Delight in Me - in doing My Will bring heaven to earth.
It's not enough to talk about it, you must do it.
Meditate on My Word day and night so that you may know Me.
Relationship - Intimacy with Me must come before you can know what delights Me- what I want for you, for the world, and how you can be a part of bringing My Kingdom here on earth.
Each season brings fruit - the eternal fruit of faith, hope and love.
To prosper is to bring My eternal fruit to earth.
My Word is your nourishment, your life, living water.
You must dwell in Me to live a life that bears fruit.
Lip service I do not need. Authentic transformation that can be measured by how well you love others is what I need in this world.
Each day my mercies are new and my love is unfailing.
What will you do today to share My love with others?
It is time for action.
Yes, pray and depend on Me to act, but then work as if I depend on you. That is true worship.
No one I have created can worship Me like you can.
So come and worship.
Remember you become what you worship.
I am in your becoming and I AM your becoming.

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Born of the Spirit

John 1:12-13, John 3:8

"But to all who believed him and accepted him, he gave the right to become children of God. They are reborn! This is not a physical birth resulting from human passion or plan - this rebirth comes from God. "

"Just as you can hear the wind but can't tell where it comes from or where it is going, so you can't explain how people are born of the spirit."

Celebrate His human birth, but know that I sent Him to bring you spiritual birth.
Celebrate your birth unto Him. You were reborn and you are Mine.
I planned your rebirth and I knew exactly when it would happen and we celebrated in heaven when you accepted and believed.
But even more we celebrate each step you take closer to My Kingdom.
Each laying down of pride.
Each laying down of self.
Every gift offered for the sake and glory of Christ.
Wise men still seek Me and offer Me gifts.
Gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh.
Give your gold (money) for your treasures are stored in heaven not on earth.
Frankincense is the aroma of living your life for Me, of loving Me with all your heart, soul, mind and strength.
Myrrh you offer when your heart breaks for the same things my heart breaks for - the last, the lonely and the lost - when you truly love your neighbor as yourself.
Just as you feel the wind but can't see it, you feel Me, but can't see Me.
But focus on these things for they are eternal.
Remember the birth would have meant nothing but for the death and resurrection.
So set your eyes on your Jerusalem.
My purpose, My plan for you I reveal but one step at a time.
Walk in My will for your life.
Accept and respond.
You are reborn to Me.
You are My child.
Live in Me.
Celebrate Me.
Bring Me your gifts.
But more importantly bring Me yourself.
Lay down your life for Me.
Oh the beauty of a friend who says to Me, "Let it be so with me!"
The pure love, joy and peace of that kind of trust fills My heart.
Help Me bring heaven to earth every day.
Every touch.
Every smile.
Live in Me.
Praise Me.
Reach out to others.
Love others.
Cherish relationship with Me and with others.
For that makes you fully human, but lets you live in the abundance of the Divine.
I am yours and you are mine.
Give Christmas back to Me. I will show you how.
I love you.

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

"Let it be so with me"

This is a poem I wrote in December 2005 in response to a sermon I heard about Mary and the conversation with God that occurred because of that sermon....

“Let it be so with me”

God had a plan
For the salvation of man.
It would start with the faithfulness of just one.
He sent his angel, Gabriel, to deliver his calling for this one.
Was it centuries or minutes?
Gabriel appeared to many women,
All different,
Some timid,
Some bold,
Some of low station,
Some of royal lineage,
Many thought it just a dream.
Susan, Martha, Lydia and Rachel
Just to name a few.
Was it hundreds or millions?
Awestruck all were they, each one in turn.
Gabriel told them not to fear then shared
God’s wondrous and mighty plan to save mankind.
All He requires is for you to say, “yes,”
To be mother to His Son.
“I’m not worthy,”
“I’m not ready,”
“I’m scared,”
“I can’t do it,”
Each said to God’s messenger.
“No,” was their answer.
God does not force His will or His love.
Gabriel pushed on ‘til he found Mary.
A young girl not yet married,
No more likely to say, “yes” than all those asked before her.
She, like the others, was awestruck with fear.
Gabriel once again said, “do not fear for you have found favor with the Lord.”
Gabriel shared God’s plan for the world and for Mary.
When Mary replied, “let it be so with me,” Heaven rejoiced!
Mary’s life was defined by the yeses, not the nos.
When the Lord calls you, how do you respond?
Is it with, “No, not me.”
Or do you say, “let it be so with me!”

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

As You wish

Proverbs 16:9
"We can make our plans, but the Lord determines our steps."

You think one misstep from you can take you out of My plan for your life?
I am bigger than that.
I am more than you can ask or imagine and I am yours.
I am with you in every step you take each day.
I am the planner of small and big things in your life.
Listen to My voice for leading.
Start each day with Me and know that I am with you.
It is more of a slight leaning than a pushing for it is always your choice.
But what peace and joy when you smile and learn to say, "Have your way then..." and "As You wish."
Remember I am more concerned with who you are becoming inside than what you are doing.
As you look back, don't you see that each step, each struggle was necessary to bring you to where you are today?
What you do today, what your circumstances are, whom I call you to love prepares you for My plans for you tomorrow.
I am so much more than you can imagine and love you more than you can know and feel.
I AM that still small voice inside you - learn to listen for Me and let Me guide you.
I am here and each moment of your life is planned by Me for your redemption and the world's redemption.
To bring My Kingdom here on earth - to bring heaven to earth.
I need you to know this in the depths of your being.
Try to stop living in the illusion that you are in control of the universe.
That's My job.
Try to stop living as if My love does not demand a response. Yes, your response can be, "No," but I long for your yeses.
My assurance is always here waiting for your, "Yes."
I love you.
My plans are for your good, to grow you into My Kingdom.
My Peace I give you.

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Step out in faith


Isaiah 28:24-29

"Does a farmer always plow and never sow? Is he forever cultivating the soil and never planting it? Does he not finally plant His seeds for dill, cumin, wheat, barley and spelt, each in its own section of his land? The farmer knows just what to do, for God has given him understanding. He doesn’t thresh all his crops the same way… The Lord Almighty is a wonderful teacher, and he gives the farmer great wisdom.”

Sometimes it is time for action on your part.
Prepare for each new day and each circumstance with prayer, but then you must move forward.
I will act when you move forward in faith.
Yes there are times to wait, but there are also times to act. There are times when I wait for you.
Forward you must go – my confirmation follows.
Yes, cultivate by seeking Me in quiet time, prayer, worship, but don’t let it end there. You must go beyond your walls – beyond your comfort zone to live the life I am calling you to.
If you forever only pray and never act then you have wasted what I have prepared for you.
You are my hands, my feet, my heart, my eyes, my ears. Part of the work I do in you only comes to be when you let me work through you.
Reach out to others.
I am your teacher. I lead you. I guide you. Go when I say, “Go,” and stay when I say, “Stay.” If you have ears to listen, hear Me.
Just remember I will only give just enough light for the next step. That step must be taken for My light to reveal the next step.
I did not call you to this life to be a spectator but rather to participate – to be co-creator with Me. To sow. First to reap then to sow. Just as it would not make sense to reap and never sow, it does not make sense to know Me through prayer, Scripture and worship and never take Me beyond yourself.
Reap and then sow.
Always claim your dependence on Me for without Me you can do nothing, but also remember you have a part.
I will give you wisdom when you seek it, you just need to ask. Just put one foot in front of the other and soon you will be walking in My will- the adventure of your life!

I will never be the same


Isaiah 50: 5,7
“The Sovereign Lord has spoken to me, and I have listened. I do not rebel or turn away. Because the Sovereign Lord helps me, I will not be dismayed. Therefore, I have set my face like a stone, determined to do his will. And I know that I will triumph.”

You have rebelled. You have turned away yet here I AM.
Return to Me.
Listen and pay attention.
How many burning bushes do you need to see?
Do you think your fear is greater than I AM?
Your heart yearns for Me, turn back to Me.
I AM your help – the Maker of heaven and earth.
I AM bigger than you see Me.
When you set your face like a stone determined to do My will, My Kingdom triumphs and you will triumph.
Remember Jesus’ determined will to go to Jerusalem for that was My will for Him.
You must know that when you walk in My will in obedience and trust that My strength, My Power and My Joy are yours.
And while the journey may be difficult, I AM with you always.
I will lead, I will walk beside and I will carry you for you are My beloved.
Listen when I speak. Trust and Obey – set your eyes upon Me and that which is eternal instead of temporal.
For what is seen will vanish, but what is unseen will remain.
My Kingdom is veiled, but you will see, and sometimes you will see glimpses even in this world.
Do not fear for I have redeemed and am redeeming you and your story.
Join My adventure daily and you will never be the same again.

Eternal fruit


John 15: 16-17
“You didn’t choose me. I chose you. I appointed you to go and produce fruit that will last, so that the Father will give you whatever you ask for, using my name. I command you to love each other.”

Remember you would have no choice to make if I had not laid my life down for you. I gave all for you so that you could choose.
Accept My gift or reject it. However once accepted it is not a one time acceptance, but a daily acceptance as you have discovered.
The joy of your salvation is possible to have when you live in Me.
The fruit I speak of requires you to trust Me – to obey Me – to lay down your life for Me and for others.
If you love your life you will lose it, but if you lay down your life for Me and for others you will gain eternal, abundant life.
The fruit I speak of is to love with abandon.
Not love with a feeling though that will come, but to love with your actions.
Lay down your pride – stop seeking to have your own way and desires of power, control and possession will diminish.
Love, faith, and hope: those are the fruits that will last and the greatest is love.
To that desire I will give you what you ask so that others may be brought to My light, and I will be glorified. So that others eyes will be open to see what is unseen and hear what is unheard in the dark. My light reaches everywhere – darkness cannot hide.
I do not give hundreds of commands to follow – just two. Love Me, love others. Love others when they least deserve or expect it. That is how I love you. I laid My life for you – lay your life down for others and love them even when they don’t deserve it. That is the fruit I speak of.
I will give you what you ask when you ask in the spirit of producing lasting fruit, which is love, and you ask for My sake and for My glory, not yours.
Eternal fruit is the fruit of the Spirit: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control.

Seek His Wisdom


Proverbs 2: 1-5, 7
“My child, listen to me and treasure my instructions. Tune your ears to wisdom and concentrate on understanding. Cry out for insight and understanding. Search for them as you would for lost money or hidden treasure. Then you will understand what it means to fear the Lord, and you will gain knowledge of God. He grants a treasure of good sense to the godly. He is their shield, protecting those who walk with integrity.”

Wisdom not knowledge is what you need to seek.
My wisdom, not the world’s, for the world’s wisdom is a trap.
Remember My thoughts are higher than your thoughts.
When you seek Me, seek My wisdom for in it you will find hidden treasure.
In My wisdom, you will find Me.
Listen, hear, concentrate, cry out, search for My instruction, wisdom, insight and understanding.
When you do this you will find Me and understand about doing the right thing.
You have to know what is right to do what is right. You have to trust Me to teach and guide you.
Remember I am bigger than all of your failures and mistakes.
Let me be your Shield from the world.
Walk with Me in integrity and honesty.
If you seek Me you will find Me – that is My promise to you!
Don’t let the Evil One’s worldly wisdom tell you that you are too busy to spend time with Me.
We are too important. You are too important. My Kingdom depends on your joining in the adventure with Me.
Come and see! Follow Me.
I love you!

Be a seeker of God not pleasure


James 4: 2-4
“You want what you don’t have, so you scheme and kill to get it. You are jealous for what others have, and you can’t possess it, so you fight and quarrel to take it away from them. And yet the reason you don’t have what you want is that you don’t ask God for it. And even when you do ask you don’t get it because your whole motive is wrong – you want only what will give you pleasure. You adulterers! Don’t you realize that friendship with this world makes you an enemy of God? I say it again, that if your aim is to enjoy this world, you can’t be a friend of God.”

Don’t you know that I am your strength?
Depend on Me. Trust Me.
I am your Provider and your Provision.
Submit your will – declare your dependence on Me!
Enjoyment of this world is fleeting and the consequences can be devastating – physically, emotionally, relationally, and spiritually.
Enjoy Me and the rewards last for eternity.
This world, your flesh loves, belongs to the Evil One.
That is why loving this world makes you My enemy.
But My love conquers all – remember I have overcome the world!
So many things you struggle with are because you seek enjoyment and pleasure over Me.
You think these things will grant you peace, but I am the Prince of Peace. True Peace comes from knowing Me, loving Me, trusting Me.
Follow hard after Me.
I seek to peel back every layer of pride within you. That old nature that seeks “rights” and justice instead of compassion and mercy.
Every broken relationship is caused by pride – thinking your “rights” were violated. Even if they were, remember Christ died for every one of your sins though he had none. He gave up His rights and so must you.
You think you have a right to everything you want – that’s Pride.
Your heart cannot submit fully to My will while Pride and love for this world live there.
When you trust Me to provide and can declare your dependence on Me you shun the world.
People won’t understand, but they will see Me in you and want what you have.
What you have is Me – they will want Me.
I have wired you for relationship not just with Me but with others.
That is why I ask you to reconcile with others for you cannot draw close to Me when you have broken relationship with others.
Why do you care what others think? If they condescend or think you are stupid? What does that matter when you have Me?!
I love you!
You are special and unique.
All of My children are.
You must remember that just as you are My work in progress so is everyone that you know and meet.
When you are hurt – run to Me first and I will give you comfort.
So ask Me – search the motives in your heart.
Is what you want and the reason you want it to further My Kingdom in heaven or yours here on earth?
Don’t dwell in the past. Live in the present and count on Me for the future.
People will hurt and disappoint you as you will hurt and disappoint others. Give mercy as you seek mercy.
Remember I am with you to the end of the age and into all eternity.
I love you!

Friday, December 19, 2008

Guard your heart


Proverbs 4:23
“Above all else, guard your heart, for it affects everything you do.”

Seek Me, know Me, hear Me.
Let me guard your heart.
Bring Me with you always.
In all things know that I am in you and beside you.
Share Me.
Call out to Me even in the small breath of saying My name, and know that I am here to help you.
I am with you always, not just in your quiet time, though that time helps you to know my voice.
I want you to share us, our relationship, with others, in how you love them.
Be glad when others do well. Be comfort when others aren’t doing well so that they may come to know Me and the life I come to give.
Whatever is in your heart spills out into your life.
Put Me there, keep Me there, and when life squeezes you, I will come pouring out.
Soak Me into every fiber of your being.
I am the living water, the living Word, the bread of Life.
When you ask for your daily bread you ask for me to fill your life.
I fill your life, I fill your hunger, I fill your thirst.
If you remember and practice that I will guard your heart always.
My love, My child.
Trust Me. Know Me. Surrender your heart to Me.
Let me be your all in all. Enough now and always.

Eternity planted in your heart


Ecclesiastes 3:11
“God has made everything beautiful for its own time. He has planted eternity in the human heart, but even so people cannot see the whole scope of God’s work from beginnning to end.”

The hole you have – the void you feel is reserved only for Me.
Eternity is vast. I planted it in your heart so you can dream dreams and have visions, so you can taste Me here on earth.
I know you fully- know Me.
To know Me, to love Me is pure Joy for then I will fill the emptiness inside you.
Know that nothing and no one can fill you the way I can.
You come to celebrate Christmas – celebrate Me, not things – celebrate your relationships because they are My gifts to you.
Celebrate eternity and be full of joy.
Happiness, like beauty, is fleeting, it is a by product of circumstances.
Joy is in Me, in knowing and loving Me, and is with you no matter your circumstances.
You cannot see the whole picture and tapestry of your life at once as I can. I see past, present, and future at once – I am not in time, time is in Me.
I am working everything towards redemption – don’t worry about what others or even you are supposed to do – just be with Me. Trust and obey Me. Submit to Me out of love not duty.
Rejoice in the blessings I give you for they are all around you. Be content in knowing and following after Me.
What I have planted will come to fruit for My will is pleasing and perfect.
I am yours and you are Mine for eternity.



Hebrews 13:8
“Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever.”

I do not change.
Yesterday I loved you.
Today I love you.
I’ll love you forever.
Remember that I want to do a work in you and not just though you.
Look for Me.
Pay attention – I am with you always in everything.
I may not always present with a burning bush, but I am always present.
Open your eyes – see Me!
Holy ground is all around you because I am with you to the end of the age.

Confirmation follows


Mark 16:20
“And they went forth and preached everywhere, the Lord working with them, and confirming the Word with signs following.”

Go forth and I will be with you.
Step out in faith and I will be with you.
I work all things to the good of those who love me.
I’ve shown you many times that the confirmation follows – the signs come after you step out in faith and trust Me, not before.
You don’t see the way – that is the point – I only give just enough light for the first step. Then when you take that step more light behind for confirmation and a little light to lead to the next step- that’s what stepping out in faith is.
Start climbing.
Don’t worry about the how.
Feed My sheep.
If you have others saying that they don’t see the path for you – why should they? It is not their path but yours.
Your responsibility is your cage.
You don’t think I am big enough to provide for you?
All I’m hearing are excuses – call them legitmate concerns- I call them excuses.

Relationship not rules


Colossians 2:20-21, 23
“You have died with Christ, and he has set you free from the evil powers of this world. So why do you keep on following rules of the world, such as, ‘don’t handle, don’t eat, don’t touch?’ These rules… have no effect when it comes to conquering a person’s evil thoughts and desires.”

The love and grace of My Son is the only thing that can conquer your sin nature.
Rules are boundaries, and My love has no boundaries.
That is what My Son meant when he said he came to fulfill not abolish the law.
Humans need rules to conquer chaos, but Christ’s love conquers all.
When you truly live your life in submission to Christ, loving Him and others more than yourself, then you will understand.
Only Christ in you – only His Power can conquer your flesh.
Remember you are spirit in a flesh body.
Let Christ rule your spirit, and His love will flow from you.
When you pray, when you study always come to Him for teaching and wisdom.
I want relationship with you, not your mindless following of rules.
Do you think rules will bring you closer to Me? NO! Only talk to Me, walk with Me, know that I am with you and in you every second of every day! I’m desperate for you! Be desperate for Me and you will be free!
You are already free- the moment you said, “Yes,” to Me, you were free. Now it’s time for you to see it. You can only see it when you put away the rules and turn to Me in real relationship!
Remember you are in the world but not of the world. You belong to Me and My Kingdom now and nothing can take you away from Me!
You need only ask and My Power is yours. I am your shield.
I love you!

Thursday, December 18, 2008

I shall not want


Psalm 23: 1-3, 4, 6
“The Lord is my shepherd; I have everything I need. He lets me rest in green meadows; he leads me beside peaceful streams. He renews my strength. He guides me along right paths, bringing honor to his name…’I will not be afraid for you are close beside me.’ Surely your goodness and unfailing love will pursue me all the days of my life.”

I am your protector, your shield, your guide, your redeemer.
I will always give you what you need.
What you need, not what you want until your wants match your needs.
Keep desiring Me above all. Seek Me – you will find Me always here waiting patiently for you, always loving you, protecting you.
But protection does not mean you won’t have struggles or pain – remember sharing in My Son’s Power means sharing in His suffering.
But come to Me and always there you will find rest – soul rest.
You see that though I’m in every circumstance, I don’t cause each circumstance in your life. But if you remember that I am Lord over all, you will know that I am here to guide and direct you through your daily circumstances.
The secret is to remain in Me – always come running to Me when you are hurt or when you’re afraid, and I will give you peace and comfort.
What you need is Me – Only I can fill the void I created in you.
I will lead you to your ultimate purpose, which is to bring honor to My Name by helping draw all my children to Me, for I would see none lost.
I pursued, pursue and will continue to pursue you and every one of My sheep and lambs until The Day of My Return.
My goodness and unfailing love is your strength. Return to Me and it is there – I am there waiting.

Strength in Weakness


2 Corinthians 12: 8-10
“Three times I pleaded with the Lord to take it away from me. But he said to me, ‘My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.’ Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest on me. That is why, for Christ’s sake, I delight in weaknesses, in insults, in hardships, in persecutions, in difficulties, for when I am weak, then I am strong.”

My example I give you when I point out weakness and brokeness in your relationships with others.
What glory you give My Son when you admit what you do in reconciliation is done in His Power and not yours.
See My Power in your weakness.
Your pride is masked as strength and it keeps you from Me and hides My Power from you and from others.
Remember – be My channel.
Only I can fill the void – no one and nothing else.
I will say it again and again until your heart rejoices in the fact that I am enough for you – always and forever!
My sufficiency is made powerful in your insufficiency.
Your head knows enough – now let me teach your heart.
That can only happen when you desire Me and knowing Me above all else in your life… above pride above selfishness.
Seek Me with your whole heart and you will find Me.
You have found Me – oh joy!
I have been waiting for you to stop trying to do everything right on your own strength and be “the perfect Christian,” and just be with Me. Let Me make you whole and perfect in the image of My Son with all of your “wobbly bits” and brokeness.
I am here to redeem you.
Submitting – being dependent – that’s how you are made – it’s not good or bad – it just is.
The void you feel is on purpose and only I can fill it. You are the glass, I am the wine, let Me fill you with joy, peace, patience, kindness, gentleness, goodness, love and self-control. It is My purpose for your life.

My hope and anchor


Hebrews 6:18-19
“God cannot tell lies! And so His promises and vows are two things that can never be changed. We have to run to God for safety. Now his promises should greatly encourage us to take hold of the hope that is right in front of us! This hope is like a firm and steady anchor for our souls. In fact, hope reaches behind the curtain and into the most holy place.”

Rest in Me, rest in My hope.
Christ in you is the hope of glory for Me and My kingdom.
My promises are real.
Run to Me.
You are Mine and I am yours.
Reach behind the curtain of your façade and you will find Me there waiting… waiting in your brokeness and weakness waiting for you to admit you need me.
The hope I offer is firm and steady – I am a rock – not sand that shifts when you move.
Know that I am in every circumstance, joy, sorrow and struggle in your life.
My Power comes in your weakness.
My hope is realized in your struggles.
You don’t have to be “all that” because I AM.
Come to Me.
I am your anchor.
Admit your dependence. Claim your dependence on Me, and then watch out for the Power – My Power will blow you away!
The most Holy place is when you realize I am enough. I am more than you will ever need.
In Me, you will find sufficiency. Fling off your dirty rags and run to Me!
I am your shield.

Abide in Me


John 15:5
“I am the vine, and you are the branches. If you stay joined to me, and I stay joined to you, then you will produce lots of fruit. But you cannot do anything without me.”

Let My Life flow through you.
Be the branch with no impediment allowing my love to flow through you to others.
The Power, The Life come from Me.
You can’t do anything to earn it or make it happen.
Just love Me.
The fruit will come – it is My Promise.
Yours is not to worry about the fruit but just to love Me.
I love you – if you could just rest in that then your worry would cease and you would have My Peace.
Stop striving – stop trying to measure up.
Just love Me and let My Life-giving Power flow through you.
My Power is already in you waiting to be used.
Just step out of the way.
I love you. Trust Me. Love Me. Be Mine and I will be yours.
Don’t worry if you are misunderstood, I understand your heart.
You are My daughter.
I love you!
Stop worrying about yourself – I’ve got your back.
Remember I’ve laid out the plan for your future. Plans to prosper you and not to harm you.
The fruit is coming, just wait – you will see – I keep My promises.
Stop focusing on what’s “not right” and start focusing on Me. I am the prize.

Faith without works


James 2:14, 17, 24,26
“ My friends, what good is it to say you have faith, when you don’t do anything to show that you really do have faith? Faith that doesn’t lead us to do good deeds is alone and dead! You can now see that we please God by what we do and not only by what we believe. Anyone who doesn’t breathe is dead and faith that doesn’t do anything is just as dead.”

Faith without works is dead – it is not faith at all but a set of intellectual beliefs.
You think just because you have it all figured out in your head that you are good to go? A child of God?
I don’t think so!
Faith is real authentic relationship with Me. You can have all the knowledge about Me and still not live in Me!
Come! Live in Me!
Be with Me – love Me – love others – give yourself away with abandon!
Knowledge makes you feel superior, then you become the judge.
Only I can judge – that’s not your part. choose the better part choose Me Abide in Me.
Trust Me. Only I can give you life.
You say you believe. Now show others, not by what you say but how you act, how you live.
Breathe Me in and then give your breath away so I can once again fill you.
Each day you must be filled anew or our relationship becomes stale.
I alone have the Power – you have no Power without Me!
I am the Way, the Truth, the Life – come to Me!
I will show you – I will guide you – follow Me.
Draw near to Me and I will draw near to you. I am always here. I want to give you abundant, joy-filled life. Trust Me. Love Me.

Hidden Treasure


Isaiah 45:3
“I will give you treasures hidden in dark and secret places. Then you will know that I, the Lord God of Israel, have called you by name.”

The dark and seceret places of my heart, my mind, my will
The treasure is Your will Your plan for me.
You have called me by name.
It was not a mistake.
I need you.
Stop your selfish ways.
Come to Me.
Others cannot understand the treasures I give you for they are for you alone.
Oh the fun and joy of finding these hidden treasures!
But you will have to dig deep and stop trying to anesthethize yourself of pain and suffering.
To know is to trust.
The more you know Me the more you can and will trust Me. For I am yours and you are Mine.
Yes, Lord, I am yours and you are counting on me… to be the woman you want me to be, to be your daughter.
Come to Me and I will give you rest.
My soul craves rest in you.
Help me to clear the rubble in my life so that I can find Your hidden treasures for me.
Thank You for remaining with me even in my unbelief, fear and distrust.

You are my Father, my Husband, my Lover.

Copyright © Kim Furlow

Listening to God

I have been meditating on God's word in a new way (a new way to me, not necessarily a "new" way) and He has been faithful by sending me His word for me for that day. I meditate on a verse or verses of Scripture- whatever He leads me to and then I simply listen. And then I start writing whatever comes to my head and He talks to me. No not audibly but still He talks to me and it is exciting! I feel like He wants me to share what he is giving me. I am not sure if this is the right venue but it popped in my head to blog and I have never felt the need to have a blog before so here I am. I will see where He leads me.

So basically, at least right now, this blog is for the sharing of these meditations.
I hope everyone that reads them will be encouraged in their faith journey.